bernie may

Bernie May

Bernie May biography, It was the day before Christmas, that a missionary pilot delivered emergency medical supplies to an isolated Amazon village. He was eagerly waiting to get back to his family for Christmas day. Yet as the evening grew dark, he couldn’t fly the plane. So, he made temporary arrangements for protection and laid down to sleep in the jungle. But then it began to rain which continued even until Christmas evening. The missionary pilot felt depressed for being stuck in the jungle, with no family and fellowship. “Oh God,” he moaned, “this is not what Christmas should have been, I’m in the wrong place.”

Birth: 1932
Homeland: United States of America
Place of Vision: South America

As he lay there in a hammock, desperately homesick, he heard God speak in his heart, “My son, this is what Christmas is all about. Jesus left heaven and on Christmas morning He woke up in the ‘wrong place’-a stable in Bethlehem. Christmas means leaving home, not going home. My only begotten Son did not come home for Christmas, He left home to be with you.”

The pilot was filled with gratitude. He waited alone for a few more days in the jungle before he returned to his family. He was Bernie May, a missionary pilot for Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Bernie May ministry in South America

In 1954 after a powerful sermon on a Sunday service, Rachel Saint, a missionary to Amazonian tribes, asked for people to join her in the jungle for missionary work. Specifically, she needed a pilot and a secretary. Sitting in that Baptist church was Bernie May, a recreational pilot, and his wife Nancy, a trained secretary. Immediately, in their heart, they knew that God was calling them. Together they committed themselves to the ministry.

For the next twenty-five years, Bernie served as a missionary pilot transporting missionaries, medicines, and gospel literature in some of the toughest conditions. He himself and only God know how many times he escaped death flying the plane. Then since 1980, he began spearheading the Wycliffe Bible Translators program in South America and has been instrumental in making the Bible accessible to millions of people.

Beloved, do you know the real meaning of Christmas?

Take away from the article

“Lord, deliver me from the ritualistic Christmas and help me to reach out to the people with God’s love in true Christmas spirit. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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