Bishop John Hooper,The persecution of Christians in 16th century was perhaps oneof the most brutal periods of English history. Many people were imprisoned, tortured, and put death for following Lord Jesus Christ.
Birth : 1495
Death : 09.02.1555
City: Somerset
Country : England
Place of Vision : England
Bishop John Hooper's Last words :
'Lord Jesus, have mercy upon me! Lord Jesus, have mercy upon me! Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!' before he was burnt alive.
However, their unflinching faith in Christ encouraged many to grow and remain in Christ. All their sacrifices motivated the name-sake Christians to redeem themselves in Christ.
Death of many 'Witnesses of Christ' helped the fallen believers to renew themselves and started firmly in their faith.
John Hooper was a bishop who considered Biblical truths to be the source of his life. His tenure as bishop was marked by the reformation in all levels of society. Bishop john hooper condemned the spititual ignorance of the clergy and made efforts to restore the Godly vigor in the church.
He resisted the dominance of Pope in church for which he was convicted and sentenced to deat, John was confined to the worst of prisons and treated brutally by those opposed to him. Yet, 'amid such trails, Hooper's devotion to prayer, his reliance on Christ and his belief to the bitter end in the scriptures, leave a wonderful example.
Death of Bishop John Hooper

Burnt Alive
On that fateful day, at 9 in the morning, group of soldiers came in the morning to fetch John Hooper to execute his punishment. As the other Bishops were watching, he was carried away to a place where a pyre was built for him.
Reaching the place, Hooper knelt and prayed to his heavenly father committing his soul into the mighty hands of God, he walked into the burning pyre.
What is our take away from this Martyr ??
- Beloved, Are you willing to serve Christ alone ??
" Lord, help me to grow with you and to seek you in all the times, Amen"
Bishop John Hooper
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