C. S. Durand

C. S. Durand

C. S. Durand biography, Dr. C. S. Durand committed himself to missionary ministry while he was yet to complete his medical studies. After his post-graduate medical study in New York, Durand and his wife set out to serve in India on behalf of the Disciples of Christ's mission. The couple devoted themselves wholly to their profession. Yet, as most missionary doctors did not confine themselves to the medical work but shared in all the mission activities.

Birth: -
Home Calling: 1908
Homeland: United States of America
Place of Vision: India

C. S. Durand was posted in Harda in Central India. Although he didn't know the language, Durand opened a small dispensary. He began at once providing medical care while simultaneously learning Hindi.

As the people needing medical attention grew, Durand planned to build a hospital. He put all his efforts into finding a plot of land to no avail. Finally, exhausted by the efforts, he prayed that may God open the door if a hospital was wanted.

C. S. Durand ministry in India

Miraculously, the very next day, a man came to offer a piece of land. Dr. Durand immediately accepted it and at once began to build his hospital. It was a small, wholly inadequate building but turned to be a place of great missionary work. Durand also worked among the lepers and did a special study of remedies for their healing. While another missionary Wharton preached the Gospel among lepers, Durand provided medical care.

He opened a leper asylum on the edge of the town, where he gave lepers a home and did all he could to ease their suffering. Durand always combined evangelism with medical work and made direct appeals to the patients to accept Christ.

Mrs. Durand had charge of the boys' school, teaching several hours every day. She especially enjoyed her Sunday school classes for low caste children and adults. She worked among the women and girls, visiting them in their homes. She sometimes took charge of the dispensary when the doctor was away. After a fruitful ministry in India, the couple returned to America and remained in the ministry till the end.

Beloved, are you combining your personal work with evangelism?

Take away from the article

“Lord, open the doors and make the ways straight to preach the Gospel in India. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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