Chacko K Athialy

Chacko K Athialy

Chacko K Athialy biography, In a Maramon convention of 1919 at Maramon, Kerala, Sadhu Sundar Singh was sharing his experiences of missionary work in Tibet and specially mentioned the need for missionaries in Nepal. His earnest call for Indians to commit themselves to God’s work touched many hearts. Sitting among the attendees was Annamma who was pregnant at that time. In her heart, she decided to dedicate her child to God’s work. In March of 1920, she gave birth to Chacko Athialy.

Birth: 15-03-1920
Home Calling: 18-04-2011
Native Place: Kerala
Country : India
Place of Vision: Nepal & India

Athialy in his youth joined the Congress’s freedom movement against Britishers. But a spiritual breakthrough came into his life when he went to Tiruvallur for attending special meetings. There he committed his life to serve God and underwent training. He soon started intense evangelical work in the Travancore district. But still, he cherished going to Nepal someday.

In 1946, when India was reeling with riots, Athialy set out for Allahabad and almost died during the journey. In God’s protection, he reached Allahabad and did evangelistic work among the students.

Then he went to Yavatmal in 1948 to train at Union Biblical Seminary where he finally found the doors to be opening for Nepal. During the summer vacation of 1950, he finally reached Nepal. He had no financial assistance and no place to stay. Yet, he spent Easter day preaching on the Kathmandu streets.

Chacko K Athialy ministry in Nepal & India

After a brief visit to India, he again went to Nepal in 1952 with few others. This time he found one Christian named Bahadur Rana who became his associate. In 1953 Athialy established ‘Christa Shanta Sangham’ church in Bahadur’s home. His sincere efforts resulted in the salvation of many Nepalis and today that church accommodates thousands of believers.

Even after his retirement in 1986, he refused to settle down. He started working in Chhattisgarh among the Satnami tribes amidst severe hostility. In his old age too, he carried a bag full of tracts to preach the Gospel. He went to be with the Lord at a ripe old age of 91.

Beloved, are you faithful in fulfilling your commitments to the Lord?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to be faithful in fulfilling my commitments towards Your service. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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