Charles Mead

Rev Charles Mead

Rev Charles Mead called the 'Father of the South Travancore Mission'. During his first missionary from England to India, at a very young age. He lost his wife, three months old child in a span of few days. Inspired by others who lost their possessions and lives for missionary work charles mead accepted his losses and committed himself for God's work actively.

About Rev Charles Mead

Birth : 01.10.1972
Death : 13.01.1873
City : Bristol
Country : England
Place of Vision : India

His Ministry in South India:

Charles who was in charge of the ministry which was lead by Ringletaube at Mylaudy. He moved its headquarters to Nagercoil. He built an orphange to accommodate orphaned children, a boarding school, a church, and a printing press as well. Within a span of two years, he was able to save 3000 souls for christ.

He commenced a seminary in 1819 and an english medium school in 1820. Which provided education to many people without any caste or religious discrimination. In those days, the lower caste women were treated like slaves by the upper castes and they were not allowed to wear topcoats. Mead opposed this discrimination with lot of efforts he started organizations for peoples rights to protect lower caste women, between the period of 1812-1829.

But it is also known about the rage of upper caste people in Neyyoor who burnt down many Christian houses, schools and chuches. However, the collective effort of many missionaries resulted in the entactment of a law empowering the lower caste women. Many people conspired to kill Mead for his Christian work, but Gid miraculously saved him from all. he served the people of Colachel and many parts of Neyyoor district in tamil nadu over 35 years and led them to Christ.

"Lord, help me to work  in association with other Christians for the expansion of your Kingdom. Amen"

Word of Prayer

Rev Charles Mead

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