Chuck Colson, Charles Wendell Colson, also known as Chuck Colson, was the founder of the ‘Prison Fellowship,’ the World’s largest prison ministry serving among prisoners, former prisoners, and their families. He was an American attorney and a political advisor to the American President Richard Nixon. However, in 1974, he was indicted for conspiring to cover up a political scandal that eventually brought down the Nixon presidency.
Birth : 16-10-1931
Home Calling : 21-04-2012
Native Place : Boston
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision : United States of America
As he was facing arrest, one of his friends presented him a copy of ‘Mere Christianity’ by C. S. Lewis, which resulted in his conversion before going to prison. After accepting Christ as his personal Savior, he knew that pleading guilty for his involvement in the scandal is the right thing to do.
Hence, he was convicted, and he served seven months imprisonment in Alabama’s Maxwell Prison. As he was about to be released, a fellow prisoner asked what he would do after leaving the prison.
Chuck Colson ministry in America
Colson replied, “I promise I would never forget you people.” The realization of that promise is the Prison Fellowship! Colson came out of the prison with a new mission to mobilize the Christian church to minister to prisoners. He devoted the rest of his life ministering to the prisoners and sharing the message of love, redemption, and hope with them.
He founded the ‘Prison Fellowship’ in 1976 that became the largest prison ministry, now preaching the gospel to the prisoners in 1400 jails in the US and 120 other countries. More than speaking at the conferences, he loved to spend preaching at prison churches and counseling the inmates. Drawing from his own experience, he gave them the hope and inspiration that they too would come out of prison as positive leaders for society one day.
Colson passed away in 2012, and his life serves as a testimony to God’s grace and mercy. Despite the downfall of his career, God used him mightily in the later years to touch and heal the lives of many broken people affected by crime and incarceration.
Beloved, have you admitted your past mistakes and made peace with God and men?
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“Lord, help me to work for justice and righteousness in this World. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
Chuck Colson
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