David Jones

David Jones

David Jones biography, was a pioneer European missionary who is remembered for his undaunting ministry in Madagascar. At 16 he offered himself for missionary work to the London Missionary Society (LMS). They initially designated him for missionary work in South Africa. But owing to the defection of another missionary to go to Madagascar, LMS assigned Jones in his place.

Birth : July 1796
Home calling : 01.05.1841
Native place : Cardiganshire
Country : London
Place of vision: Madagascar

Jones arrived in Tamatave in August 1818 with another missionary Thomas Bevan. The locals greeted them warmly, and soon, Jones was able to establish a school for the locals. But before the year ended, Jones lost his newly born child and wife to Malaria.

The entire Bevan family too succumbed to Malaria within a couple of months. Jones himself became sick and was all alone on the island country.

Being the true soldier for Christ, Jones promised himself that he would not leave this place until the Gospel fire is kindled in Madagascar and the people see the light of God’s salvation. He sought treatment in Mauritius and began ministering among the local people. There he learned the Malagasy language and developed a proper written format for it.

David Jones ministry in Madagascar

In 1820, he went back to Madagascar and began an intense Gospel ministry. Many accepted Christ and it is said that, while he preached, the churches were so full that, even the doors and windows were jammed. He was soon joined by David Griffiths, another LMS missionary and they together worked hard to translate the Bible into Malagasy. Most of the version of the Holy Scriptures that was printed by the LMS in 1835 was largely their work.

Jones was also known for completely reviving the education system in Madagascar. Encouraged by King Radama, he established the “Malagasy Schooling Society” which had 37 seven schools by 1828. Jones had to return home to due poor health in 1930, where he spent most of his time preaching and inspiring young missionaries.

In 1838, Jones went back to Madagascar and continued to serve God till his death in 1841.

Beloved, what promise have you made to yourself in regards to God's ministry?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to be faithful in fulfilling the promises that I make to you. Amen!”

Word of prayer

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