David Sundaranandam biography, Christian faith has transcended ethnic, national, and cultural barriers and, along the way, has redeemed some of the cultures it has entered. Likewise, the faith has also become indigenous in the sense that it resonates with the local culture. When the early missionaries came to Tamil Nadu.
Birth: 1772
Death: 1806
Native Place: India
Place of Vision: India
Those who were converted adapted the Gospel to their own culture, and the positive outcome was the increased acceptance of the Christian faith.
Many villages forsook old ways and even turned temples into chapels. Christianity flourished during the latter part of the 18th century. However, the negative impact was the percolation of social evils such as caste discrimination and communal problems into the Christian community.
David Sundaranandam ministry in India
Among those who fought to end the communal problems in South Tamil Nadu, David Sundaranandam was a prominent one. When Christopher F. Schwartz sent his first Tamil missionary Satyanathan Pillai to Tirunelveli, he was joined by David Sundaranandam. David was the first person from his own community (Shanar or Nadar community) to accept Christ.
He worked hard to bring about changes in the local culture and society. Under his influence, many villages accepted Christ. The mass conversion incurred the wrath of the local landlords, who began to torture the Christians. To protect the new converts, David Sundaranandam established a Christian village called Mudhalur (meaning ‘First Village’) near the town of Sathankulam.
The village served as a refuge for the local Christians. Following his example, Rev. Charles Rhenius also started several such villages to protect the local Christians from the persecution prevalent during the 18th century.
David’s enthusiastic and indefatigable ministry resulted in the evangelization of many villages in south Tamil Nadu. Tradition has it that his rivals poisoned him at the young age of 34. His martyrdom, however, marked the beginning of many mass conversions.
Beloved, are you trying to cast away the social evils that hinder the propagation of the Gospel?
Take away from the article
“Lord, give me the strength to cast out social evils and lead many to Christ. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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David Sundaranandam biography
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