Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer biography

Dietrich Bonhoeffer biography was a theologian, Lutheran pastor, writer, and the founding member of the Confessing Church in Germany. Although he was brought up in a nominal Christian environment, he was drawn towards God's work and intended to become a minister at fourteen. After graduating from Berlin University in 1927, Dietrich went to United States to train at New York City's Union Theological Seminary.

Birth: 04-02-1906
Death: 09-04-1945
Native Place: Wrocław
Place of Vision: Germany

There he realized the church's power to a change in the oppressed society, which gave him a new perspective in ministering to God.

During these years, Hitler rose to power which marked the beginning of Jewish persecution and the rise of cults in the church. Many church leaders believed and preached that Hitler is the way of the Spirit for the German people to enter the Church of Christ.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer ministry in Germany

Dietrich repudiated such false teachings of cults and warned believers against Nazi ideology infiltrating the church. His repetitive appeals to the church to stand against atrocities done to the Jews fell on deaf ears of Nazi-supported church leaders. Grieved by such a turn of events, Dietrich, with few others, established the Confessing church that stood against the atrocities of Hitler.

Amidst the rising opposition to his ministry, Dietrich went to London for a couple of years to minister among the German-speaking Protestant church. Then he returned to Germany and became the spearhead of the Confessing Church in its movement against the falsehood.

However, his seminary was closed, his preaching license was revoked, and he was forbidden to speak or publish. Finally, he was arrested for conducting underground ministry and for his involvement in allowing Jews to escape. He spent two years in prison, where he cheerfully ministered among the prisoners and penning important theological arguments that later shaped the progress of the German church.

On denying to pledge allegiance to Hitler, Dietrich was condemned to death by hanging. His last words were, "This is the end—for me, the beginning of life."

Beloved, have you left nominal Christian life and living for God with a spiritual zeal?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to grow in sound doctrine and protect me from cults and false teachings. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer Biography

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