Edward Winter Clark

Edward Winter Clark

Edward Winter Clark biography, Somewhere in Sibsagar, Assam, the locals told a young missionary that a lone, enormous vertical rock holds a spirit within and none were can to pass that way. To their utter amazement, the young missionary went to that ridge and returned unharmed. The young American Baptist missionary, who spread the gospel amongst these spirit-fearing, head-hunting, and animal sacrificing people was, Edward Winter Clark.

Birth: 05.02.1830
Home Calling: 24.06.1913
Native Place: Dutchess County
Country: New York
Place of Vision: Nagaland, India

Baptized at the young age of 14 years, Edward Winter Clark was ordained as a preacher in the year 1859. He arrived in Sibsagar, Assam with his wife in March 1869. While he began ministering there, he encountered Ao Naga tribal people, who came from mountains to trade on the plains.

He became burdened to preach Gospel to these tribes, but couldn’t enter the Naga Hills due to British imposed restrictions.

While waiting for the permission, Clark sent a local evangelist, Godhula Rufus into the Naga territory who brought back with him nine people who accepted Christ. Based on these developments, Clark finally entered Naga land, on 18 December 1872, and started ministering among the locals.

He dedicated his time and energy to learn their local language, character, and medicine. This opened up doors for him to socialize and evangelize. Soon he established a church in Molungkimong with a small congregation of 15.

Edward Winter Clark ministry in Nagaland, India

As the new believers began leaving their old beliefs and customs, a great conflict within the Naga villages. Amidst much opposition, Clark tread carefully and prayerfully to convince the locals of good culture. Gradually the then prevailing Naga ways, such as headhunting, animal sacrifices, warfare, drinking came to halt. He also established schools and churches in many parts of Nagaland to improve the social conditions of the tribals. A great spiritual blessing was seen when 190 Nagas got baptized in 1905.

Today, that Nagaland is the only state in India that has Christianity as its official religion is a testament to the four-decade ministry of Edward Winter Clark. He went to be with the Lord in 1913.

Beloved, are you not responsible to preach Gospel to the people you daily encounter?

take away from the article

“Lord, help me to convince this world about the good culture of the Bible. Amen!!”

Word of Prayer

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