Elka of the wai wai was born in the native Amazonian tribe, who were superstitiuos people and feared the jungle spirits. Elka was a man of strength and stature and became the Tribal leader at age of 20. However, he was convinced that the spirits were calling him to become a witch doctor.
Year of Birth : 1933
Year of death: --Na--
Place: Amazon Forests
Country: Brazil
Place of Vision: Brazil, Guyana
He learned the ways of the forest and somehow cunningly healed the sick people by summoning the spirits. yet, he was in contant fear of the unknown after death.
Elka hated white foreign men. he greeted them with smiles, yet poisoned their drinks and clubbed them to death. But one day Neil and Bob Hawkins arrived there with gifts.
They told them that Jesus loved the Wai Wai people and has died for them. This kind of love was new to the Wai Wai, who loved only for what they would get in return. Elka at first laughed at them but he was glas to hear about the hope after death.
Elka's help to translate bible
Elka accepted to help in translating the Bible into the local language in return for gifts. One day as he was translating the verse " There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear....We love him because he first loved us (1 john 4:18), the words stirred his heart.
He confessed his sins and asked God to make him a new person. Him family mocked him avout his conversion but soon noticed the changed life of Elka. The entire tribe accepted Jesus as their Savior.
When one of the Hawkins brothers lost their voice, Elka started preaching. Soon, he left the burden to share Jesus with other tribes. He traveled to neighbouring jungles in Guyana and preached the gospel to his enemy tribes. The gospel of Christ turned a witchdoctor into a missionary and through him, the lived of many tribes changed. Elka of the Wai Wai
Beloved, Do you go and share Jesus to those who hate you?
Take Away
"Lord, help me to share the gospel to the ones who hate me. Amen"
Word of Prayer
Elka of the Wai Wai
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