Esther Baldwin

Esther Baldwin

Esther Baldwin biography, also known as 'Chinese Champion', was an American missionary to China. Esther was born into a Christian family. She accepted the Lord as her savior at the age of 10 and was an active church member. After graduating from the Pennington Seminary, New Jersey, she worked as a teacher in a seminary at Virginia.

Birth: 08-11-1840
Home Calling: 26-02-1910
Native Place: New Jersey
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision: China

After her marriage with Stephen Livingston Baldwin, who worked in the Fuzhou Mission, she sailed for China in 1862 to work alongside her husband in the mission field.

At Fuzhou, she supervised several schools, besides fulfilling her domestic responsibilities. She also trained few other women to read and explain the Bible to their fellow Chinese women.

Esther Baldwin ministry in China

Looking at the condition of the women and children, she realized the need for Christian physicians in China. She believed that medical work is the medium to gain the locals' confidence and a roadway for taking the Gospel into the interiors of China. She thus played an essential role in establishing a hospital for women and children in Fuzhou.

Over the years, many women and children came to Christ through that hospital. She also edited and translated gospel literature into the Chinese language. Esther was physically fragile from her childhood and had to endure sickness all through her stay in China. Eventually, after eighteen years of ministry in China, Esther returned to America with her family due to severe illness.

There she continued to champion the cause of Chinese people who were under oppression and discrimination in America. Through her writings, she tried to mend the strained relation between America and China and prodded the Christian community to look beyond the race while serving Christ. Esther, who also served as the president of 'Woman's Foreign Missionary Society,' was instrumental in leading many women into the missionary work.

Beloved, are you mending the strained relationships between the communities with Christ's love?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to look beyond race, religion and culture of people to preach the Gospel. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

Esther Baldwin

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