George Grenfell biography, missionary and explorer, many people get discouraged thinking of the misery that befalls them in life. Someone once recommended building a sturdy box for yourself to overcome sufferings in life. Be careful while building every part of it and make sure it is firm enough. Keep all your sorrows and hardships, failures, and disappointments of your life inside the box.
And then close the box tightly. Sit on top of the box and try to laugh as loudly as possible. Will you be able to laugh?
Birth: 21.08.1849
Death: 01.07.1906
City: Sancreed
Country: England
Place of Vision: Africa
George Grenfell obeyed the voice of the Lord and desired to share the joy of Christ with those who were afflicted. He heard the Lord's call, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest," whispering in his ears.
He received baptism at the age of 15 and was motivted by the biographies of many missionaries. The loss of eye in early life in no way imparied his energy, and he deicted himself to do God's work as a missionary.
He felt and urge to go to Africa, where David Livingston served the Lord as a missionary. Cameroon was his first destination, where he carried out his missionary work for three years. Within a year, he lost his beloved wife in childbirth.
George Grenfell Ministry in Congo,Africa
After that, he moved to a place clled Congo, where he explored the remote parts of the rivers and mountains and preached the gospel to the people for 29 years. During which he also lost his daughter to a deadly fever, yet continued to serve the Lord.
His several expeditions in Africa for 32 years laid the foundation for the spiritual growth of many people there. Many Churches and schools were built. Many thousands of people dedicated their lives to Christ. He was someone who could laugh through his sorrows, awaiting the blessed reward from his Master!
Beloved, what efforts are you taking to remove the sufferings of other people ?
Take Away from the article
" Lord, use me to let people know that it is You who can alleviate their pain and sufferings, Amen!"
Word of Prayer
George Grenfell
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