George Muller

George Muller

George Muller, A man of God was sailing across the Atlantic for ministerial purposes. However, the ship halted in between due to dense fog. He informed the captain that he needs to be in Quebec the following afternoon, to which the captain replied that the journey can’t be resumed in such a situation. That man of God told the captain that he’ll pray and God will make a way.

Birth: 27-09-1805
Death: 10-03-1898
Native Place: Kroppenstaedt, Prussia (modern-day Germany)
Place of Vision: All over the world

Unconvinced the captain accompanied him to a room, where he prayed with simplicity and faith asking for the fog to lift. Then he said “Captain, I have known my Lord for more than fifty years and there is not one instance that I have failed to have an audience with the King. Get up, Captain, for you will find that the fog has gone.” When the captain returned to the bridge of the ship the fog was gone. Such a man of faith and prayer was George Muller.

George Muller ministry in various parts of the World

George Muller once led a sinful life and indulged himself in the pleasures of the world that gave him no gratification but a guilty conscience. In November 1825 he attended a small Christian gathering where the transforming love of Christ changed him. Henceforth his soul only desired to live for the glory of God.

After graduating from Halle University in 1826, he joined the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews and began to work in England. Later he moved to Bristol where he ministered to the congregations at Bethesda and Gideon (which later came to be called ‘Plymouth Brethren’) without any salary.

Muller devoted himself particularly to the care of orphan children. He opened orphanages that were run through utter dependence on the Lord on faith lines. At the age of seventy, he undertook a series of seventeen missionary tours that took him to forty-two nations. A man who firmly affirmed that ‘real trust in God is above circumstances and appearances’ remained an active servant in his Master’s vineyard until his death.

Beloved, do you have faith that God is above all the circumstances in your life?

Take away from the article

“Lord, strengthen my faith and enable me to rely on You for all my needs. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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