George Williams

George Williams biography

George Williams biography, On this day (6th June) in 1844, the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), now the largest youth charity in the world, was founded by George Williams with its main objective to improve the spiritual condition of young men.

Birth: 11-10-1821
Home Calling: 06-11-1905
Native Place: Somerset
Country: England
Place of Vision: Across the world

Williams was born in a well-to-do farmer's family and lived a Godless life. After very few years of schooling, he worked on his family farm and then apprenticed to a draper. There, on the insistence of his employer, he started attending the morning service at a church. One Sunday evening in 1837, he was deeply moved by the Gospel and committed his life to Christ.

He writes about that experience as"I cannot describe to you the joy peace which flowed into my soul when I first saw the Lord Jesus had died for my sins" From then on, he bore witness to everyone he met all the remaining years of his life.

George Williams introduced YMCA

Williams then moved to London to pursue a career in drapery. Being a devout Christian, he was concerned about the spiritual condition of the fellow young men who worked with him in the same firm. Wanting to do something to change their lives, he, and his friend, together prayed and made plans for reaching out to these young men.

Soon enough, their prayers were answered, and many young men gathered to pray along with them. The entire firm turned into an evangelistic enterprise. Williams' conviction to replicate the same experience in other business houses led to establishing the first YMCA in his own bedroom with only 12 members.

The YMCA multiplied and spread out to other continents as well. It serves to promote spiritual welfare in young men through Bible classes, prayer meetings, and spiritual agencies. Williams, whose motto was 'It is not how little, but how much we can do for others.' remained a compassionate Christian and an epitome of the true Gospel until his last breath.

Beloved, are you concerned about the spiritual welfare of those you work with?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to be sensitive towards the spiritual needs of others. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

George Williams Biography

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