Gordon Hall

Gordon Hall

Gordon Hall biography missionary ministry.

Gordon Hall was one of the founding members of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) and a pioneer of American Protestant missions in India. Born in a poor farmer's family, Gordon was a zealous young man for the cause of the missions. He joined Andover Theological Seminary, where he met Adoniram Judson and few others who were eager to take the Gospel to the heathen lands.

Birth: 08-04-1784
Home Calling: 20-03-1826
Native Place: Connecticut
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision: India

Though he was given an opportunity to be a pastor in a wealthy church in Woodbury, he rejected that offer and said, "I can sleep on the ground, I can endure hunger and hardship; God calls me to the heathen; woe to me if I preach not the Gospel to the heathen."

He sailed to India in 1812 and established the 'American Marathi Mission' or 'Bombay Mission' in Bombay. He diligently learned Marathi and immediately started translating the Matthew Gospel into Marathi.

Gordon Hall ministry in India

He preached the Gospel at the temples, market squares, and other public places. Some listened attentively while some mocked, but Gordon was steadfast in making Christ known whether anyone hears or forbears. Many natives who listened to his sermons accepted Christ and were received into the fellowship of the church.

Gordon was also concerned about the social well-being of the people. He established schools and prepared their curriculum, which contained the precepts of the Bible. Each school also functioned as a local chapel where he held Bible studies for the neighborhood people. Gordon also provided medical care to the locals.

When a Cholera epidemic broke out in 1826 in Nasik, he rushed to provide medical care to the needy. On his way back, Gordon also fell sick because of Cholera. People nearby hurried to help him. Knowing that his time has come, he preached the Gospel to the gathered crowd as loud as he could. Then he laid down on the ground and yielded his spirit, with a prayer on his lips "Glory to thee, Oh God!"

Beloved, God calls you to take the Gospel to the heathen. What is your response?

Take away from the article

“Glory to thee, Oh God, Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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