Greene Lawrence Wharton biography, was one of the pioneer missionaries who served in India on behalf of the 'Disciples of Christ' organization. Wharton was born in a farmer's family and had meager educational opportunities. In his youth, he was a zealous Christian and began preaching even before he finished college. He then went to Bethany College to be trained for the ministry and was appointed as a church pastor in Buffalo.
Birth: 17-05-1847
Home Calling: 04-11-1906
Native Place: Indiana
Country: United States of America
Place of Vision: India
During this time, the Foreign Christian Missionary Society and the Christian Woman's Board of Missions were contemplating work in India. Wharton, with great burden for the Indian people, committed himself to that ministry.
Along with his wife, Wharton reached Bombay in 1882 and then moved to Harda in Central India, establishing their first mission station. They rented a small building for their stay and spent the initial days studying the local language.
Greene Lawrence Wharton ministry in India
Wharton quickly learned Hindi and started preaching the Gospel. Initially, people began to seek his help for medical aid, and thus opened the doors for the mission work. Wharton would reach busy marketplaces and preach God's love shouting gospel verses to the crowd that stood about. He spoke with such power that many people turned towards the true God.
He also distributed copies of the Scriptures in local languages. The couple was also actively involved in village evangelism. For the benefit of the children, they opened several Sunday schools. As the ministry flourished, new mission stations at Mungeli and Bilaspur were established.
Wharton was also committed to the social well-being of the people. He established schools for children and was instrumental in building a hospital for the lepers. To create an evangelistic spirit among the natives, he found a Bible Training School for ministers at Harda in 1893 and a Christian Bible College at Jabalpur in 1905. Wharton, a true disciple of Christ, labored for God with all his might until the end.
Beloved, are you willing to leave the comforts of your home and serve the heathen?
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