Henry Bower Biography, A hunter spread his net, spilled grains in it, and hid at a short distance. Shortly after, a flock of birds searching for food happily landed on the ground and started to eat the grains. The hunter rejoiced at this sight and planned to capture and sell these birds for a good profit.
He pulled the snare trapping all the birds. The whole flock was frightened of seeing the fowler. Instantly they were pepped up by an idea given by one among them. All the birds held the net in their beaks and started to fly together at a time. The hunter stood there with his mouth wide open, staring at the escaping birds!
Birth: 18.01.1812
Death : 1885
Town: Madras
Country: India
Place of Vision: India
A joint effort will always yield good results, and The Bible results from such joint efforts of many people. Henry Bower was born in 1812 in an anglo-indian family in Madras.
After completing his studies, he was multi-linguist and knew Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, English, kannada, and Hindustani fluently. However, he devoted his attention mainly to literary Tamil to preach Gospel to the Tamil Brahmins
Translation of Bible in Tamil
The honor of bringing out the Bible in practical Tamil belongs to him with the assiatance of E. Sundaram Pillai. His translation of the Bible is referred to as "United Revision" or "Power's translation". He served as a priest, decon, and a leader in several parts of Tamil Nadu.
He was a clear-headed thinker and a hard worker. His affinity to Christ and a strong desire to make the Bible available to every person made him fulfill his work in an exemplary manner. This joint effort helped millions of people to commit and renew their lives for Christ. Henry Bower Biography.
Henry Bower Biography
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