Henry Watson Fox biography, was born in Westoe, England in 1817. He studied at Durham grammar school and went to Rugby School in his teens. During his days in Rugby School, his budding Christian faith was strengthened. The simple Christian instruction given by Dr. Arnold at the school’s chapel made a deep impression on Henry’s heart. And also, a lecture delivered by Bonamy Price, in whose house he was staying, strengthened his religious faith. After completing his study at Wadham College, Oxford he was ordained deacon in December 1840. In 1841 the Church Missionary Society appointed him a missionary to the Telugu people in the Madras presidency of India.
Along with his wife Elizabeth and another missionary R. T. Noble, Henry reached Madras in July 1841. Noble managed a school at Masulipatam (Machilipatnam) and concentrated on Upper caste people and Henry went for preaching ministry and concentrated on lower caste people.
He started an itinerant ministry and went from village to village. He preached gospel not only in and around Machilipatnam but also in far off places in the Eastern Godavari region and Western Krishna district.
Henry Watson Fox ministry in India
Henry’s missionary service lasted only for seven years. Even that short period was interrupted several times for various reasons. Because of his ill health, he was forced to reside at Nilgiri hills for some time between 1843-44. In 1845, the illness of his wife compelled him to return to England. But he lost her after embarking on the voyage at Madras. Though he returned to India again his poor health pushed him back to England in 1848.
Finally, this faithful servant of God, who strived to serve God till the end, breathed his last on 14th Oct, 1848. Although his service was lasted only for a limited period and was repeatedly interrupted he remained single-minded and never lost his focus from the goal for which he was called.
Beloved, no matter what may come, will you be with one mind and one goal?
Take away from the article
“Lord, my flesh and my heart fail: but You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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