Ingrid Kowski, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:4, 5). Ingrid Kowski lived as a perfect example of this Word of God.
Ingrid was the wife of Dr. Horst Kowski, who founded the Christian Mission Service (CMS), a charitable organization that cares for orphans and destitute children in Tamil Nadu. Being always mindful of others' needs, she dedicated her life to be the mother of those orphaned children.
She cared and provided for the children with unconditional love, which was evident in her deeds
Ingrid Kowski ministry in India
Ingrid was an affectionate mother to many children and loved them as her very own. Once, when she saw a small boy who was sick and vomiting, she went and sat by his side to comfort him. The love of God compelled her to clean the boy and wipe the vomit with her own hands.
Her many similar acts of kindness towards the children encouraged her fellow workers also to minister to the children with the love of Christ. Along with her husband, she was also instrumental in establishing several Sunday schools for the spiritual growth of the poor children. The children were not only given food and clothing but were also educated through the local schools.
Ingrid, who was also a generous giver, not just gave her possessions for the welfare of the children but also her time and energy. She was silent yet strong partner to her husband in the administration of CMS, which now serves as a pioneer for many orphanages in India. Ingrid, who is fondly remembered as 'Mother of CMS,' remained faithful in her calling until she left for her heavenly abode on this day (March 15) in 1995.
Beloved, how can you serve to bring small children to Christ?
Take away from the article
“Lord, grant in me a loving heart to serve others, especially the small children, and bring them to You. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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