Joel Kadali songs

Joel Kadali songs, He is an amazing gospel song writer and do visit his official Youtube channel for contemporary and #original Christian music from Friday For Christ. His albums include Rojantha, Lerevaru and Lechinadu! And he is constantly making new songs and cover versions of his own songs. His thrist and principal goal is to use music to bring people closer to God, and ofcourse he as taken Christian music to another level! His quote : After all why should the devil have all the good music?!

Brother Joel Kadali anna is from vijayawada and married. He as done his MBA from Andhra university, these are the words of Joel kadali when asked : I would rather choose to be remembered as a person who became a pauper for Christ's sake, than to be known as a person who prospered as a millionaire after becoming a Christian. "The little that the righteous man has is better than the abundance of many wicked people".

He as worked with various singers, musicians, music composers to bring out a different style of gospel music, God as blessed him to write songs and he is still on it writing meaningful and spiritfilled songs from the Word of God which are touching many lives through his songs. Please so support Joel Kadali anna for all the projects he is into for we can also be a part of His Kingdom.

Appeal for Support: If God leads you to support his music projects please do let him know by writing to Your support will certainly encourage him in producing new music. May God be glorified. Thank you!! - Joel Kodali

Joel Kadali songs List: