John Eliot biography

John Eliot biography

John Eliot biography, The Bible is the greatest of all gifts to humankind. However, not everybody possesses the Bible. The Bible has not yer been translated into the languages of many who deeply desire to hold it and read it. Many who have been deeply moved by the Holy Spirit committed themselves in the translation work of the Bible.

Even we who possess a Bible should make efforts such that the Bible is translated in all the languages. It is a blessed duty for all of us which will help to convey the Lord's message to His children acros the world.

Birth: 08.05.1604
Death: 21.05.1690
City : London
Country : England
Place of Vision: England

John Eliot, who was born in England in 1604, had his realization. He was very upset after knowing that the Algonquian Indians who lived in America did not have the Bible in their language.

He travelled to America and learned their language with great difficulty. He preached the love of God to them in their language.

New Testament in Algonquian Language by John Eliot

In 1661, the New Testament was published in their language. The people were filled with great joy. In 1663, the Old Testament was also published in their language and the people began to grow in the knowledge and love of Christ.

Eliot tirelessly traveled on foot and horseback, sometimes drenched by rain, to bring the gospel to the people. In 1674, he formed 14 independent prayer groups and encouraged them to pray for their nation. He led more than 24000 people in the path of Salvation.

He trained 24 pastors from among the people of algon. He is also referred to as the 'Apostle of the American Indian.' His life called us also to minister to other people in Christ.

Beloved, will you listen to the voice of the Lord and dedicate yourself to do His will?

Take Away from the article

" Lord, I dedicate myself to go wherever you want me to go and do Your work, Amen!"

Word of Prayer

John Eliot biography

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