John Foxe biography, Foxe was born during the dawn of the reformation movement. Erasmus had just published the New Testament in Greek and Martin Luther had posted his theses in Wittenberg. Foxe lost his father at a young age, but his brilliance enabled him to obtain a Master’s degree in theology and a fellowship at Oxford. But when he acknowledged the then rising Protestantism, he was thrown out of Oxford and his family disowned him.
Birth: 1516
Death: 18-04-1587
Native Place: England
Place of Vision: -
Reading and comparing the Greek and Latin Church fathers with the Roman church of his day, Foxe realized that the church had departed from the faith of the early Christians.
He met reformers like John Hooper, John Rogers, William Cecil, and identified himself with their reformation views. He published his views through pamphlets and tracts.
John Foxe book of martyrs
However, as persecution arose for the opponents of Catholicism with ascension of Queen Mary, he had to flee from his country with his pregnant wife to Nieuwpoort. While in exile, he started gathering information on people martyred for their faith during the reign of Queen Mary. His book ‘Acts and Monuments’ also known as ‘Foxe’s Book of Martyrs,’ had a great impact on the history of the early churches as well as on Reformation.
The stories of martyrdoms described in its pages has inspired and continues to inspire Christian’s believers. Thereafter, he moved to Frankfurt where he served as a preacher for the English church ministering to refugees in the city. Later he returned to England under the reign of Queen Elizabeth and served as a priest till his last days.
Utter poverty, threats, criticisms and severe trials made his faith only stronger that made him stand true to the word of God. He believed that awareness of Christian history would make a difference in the lives of believers and the church and indeed it did. John Foxe
Beloved, are you identifying yourself with true doctrine of the church?
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“Lord, help me to stay true to Your Word. Amen!”
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