Kartar Singh, he was born into a wealthy Sikh family at Patiala in India. He was the only son, and all the hopes of the family were centered upon him; he was brought up in luxury and was given the best education possible. But at a very young age. Kartar heard about Christianity and found its principles interesting.
He started reading the Scriptures and found it to be the source of satisfaction to his soul. The more he read, the more he loved the true God. Finally, he left his sinful life and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior.
His family was upset with his decision to be a Christian and send him out of the House.
Kartar Singh ministry in Tibet
However, he understood his call and preached the gospel in several cities and villages in Punjab. Later, he crossed the hills and reched Tibet, to preach the love of Christ to the poeple there. Despite the opposition from Buddhist monks, kartar proclaimed the love of Christ in the streets of Tibet and brought many to Christ.
Once, he was arrested for not having permission to preach from the Government and was sentenced to death. yet, kartar was not ready to deny his faith for Christ. He was sewn up in a wet yak skin, which was then allowed to dry in the sun. The heat from the sun began to shrink the yak skin, under which his bones slowly starte breaking.
Amidst all this, he continously proclaimed Jesus as the true living God to the mocking crowd around him. Never once did he break down crying because of the pain that was inflicted upon him. After three days of continuous suffering, he finally committed his spirit into the hands of God he trusted. Sadhu Sundar Singh was enormously encouraged by the life of kartar Singh. Kartar Singh
Beloved, are you willing to go to any place where the Lord might send you?
Take away from the article
"Lord, teach me to fullfill thy purpose of creating me. Amen!"
Word of Prayer
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