Kartha Mammunu Deevinchi

Kartha Mammunu Deevinchi lyrics

Kartha Mammunu Deevinchi lyrics, కర్తా మమ్మును దీవించి telugu christian song lyrics.  taken from Andhra Kristhava Keerthanalu hymnal book, this song basically talks about Worshipping the Lord with instruments and getting closer to Him! This hymnal is mostly sung after the end of the worship service ie at postlude in most of the telugu speaking churches, doctrines like Methodist, Baptist, Church of South India (CSI) usually sing this hymnal and few also at some spiritual gatherings. This song is inviting the Lord into my house and i am waiting for your arrival. who we are and what is not easy for our Lord, He is all Powerful !! God Bless You !!

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Telugu Lyrics
English Lyrics

కర్తా మమ్మును దీవించి
క్షేమంఇఛ్చి పంపుము
జీవాహార వార్త నిచ్చి
మమ్మును పోషించుము

ఇహ నిన్ను వేడుకొని
బహుగా స్తుతింతుము
పరమందు చేరి యింక
స్తోత్రము చెల్లింతుము

Karthaa Mammunu Deevinchi
Kshemamichchi Pampumu
Jeevaahaara Vaartha Nichchi
Mammunu Poshinchumu

Iha Ninnu Vedukoni
Bahugaa Sthuthinthumu
Paramandu Cheri Yinka
Sthothramu Chellinthumu

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This song is inviting the Lord into my house and i am waiting for your arrival. who we are and what God did for us and what do we need to do in response. May this song be used abundantly to worship and praise Him. And may it be a blessing to you and your family! Thank you!!

Kartha Mammunu Deevinchi song lyrics

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