Leta Mae Brown Biography, was born in Parker, Linn County, Kansas, but spent most of her school days in Kansas City. She received her nurse's training at the Christian Church Hospital Training School in Kansas City, Missouri, and later spent two years in special training at the College of Missions. She came to India in 1912, where after a year spent in special study of the language she assisted a doctor in the medical work at a hospital in Bilaspur.
Birth: ~
Home calling: ~
Native Place: Kansas, United States of America
Place of Vision: India
Fondly called as Miss. Brownie, she became a pioneer for nurses’ training in India which was then a new idea and wasn’t an easy undertaking. She was put in-charge of the training school for Indian nurses which was an untried and difficult work, yet she beautifully and diligently carried out her tasks as if working for the Lord.
She spent much of her time in India assisting doctors in their medical work. The missionary nurse was also blessed with the ability of diagnosing and treating diseases which helped her to carry on work even when a doctor was not available.
Leta Mae Brown ministry in India
She was in-charge of a junior congregation at the Damoh church where she poured her time and energy in directing religious drama for the children and adults. She was also involved in various other church activities at Damoh and labored for the spiritual welfare of the flock placed under her care. She was also placed in charge of the home for dependent Christian women at Kulpahar.
Laster, during the third term of her service, she was put in charge of a vocational school for girls at Pendra Road, where she was actively involved in helping the girls complete their educational requirements to take up nurses’ training. Besides the school activities, she also gave attention to the spiritual needs of the children and to evangelistic work.
Along with her friend, she organized the ‘Sumankhetan Witness Band’ which went out into villages regularly to sing, tell stories, sell copies of the Scriptures and other Christian literature. During her furloughs and after her retirement, she helped the people of America know about India and its mission work through her speaking and writing. The tireless servant of God used all of her time, energy and abilities for the Work of God.
Beloved, how are we spending our time, energy and abilities?
Take away from the article
Lord, help me to make the best use of my resources for your Kingdom’s sake, Amen!
Word of Prayer
Leta Mae Brown
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