Lulu E. Garton biography, was a missionary to India (1915-1921) from the Broadway Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Kansas, US. Born to Cristian parents, Alexander Hamilton and Mary Frances, Lulu was brought up in the Christian way and in the fear of the Lord.
Birth: -
Home Calling: -
Homeland: United States of America
Place of Vision: India
As a young girl, she was fond of mountaineering and she describes her experience with the Lord as “I first breathed God's air in the rare atmosphere of the Rockies, a mile or so higher than Denver, in a little mining center called Silver Plume, Colorado.”
Her nature and home training made her deeply religious and at the age of thirteen, she decided to be a missionary, choosing India as the field of greatest need.
Lulu E. Garton ministry in India
When she was ready for college no funds were available, and she talked with her pastor and prayed about it. A scholarship was found and her college work was completed in 1907. Then she spent additional time in a special study at Missouri University, taught in the home missions mountain school at Hazel Green, Kentucky, took a nurse's training course, and gave three years to private nursing.
Her preparation for India was rounded out with three semesters in the College of Missions, and in August 1915, she sailed for India. Lulu E. Garton spent six years of happy service in India. The places where she served include Harda, Rath, Bina, Jhansi, and Kulpahar. She pushed herself too hard to serve the Lord that her health eventually failed to support her in her service to the Lord.
When she came on furlough in 1921, it was impossible for her to return. But nothing could deter the indefatigable servant of God from ministering to the Lord. For eight years she served as secretary of the women's missionary organizations in Southern California. Then she gave her time to caring for her aged mother. She spent the rest of her life in California, active and interested as always in the church's missionary program.
Beloved, what is stopping you from serving the Lord with a tireless heart?
Take away from the article
“Lord, grant in me a tireless spirit of service to fulfill the ministry. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
Lulu E. Garton biography
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