Neelakanda Subbaiyar Devadasan biography, Anyone who has taste the love of God cannot sit quietly. They cannot contain the joy and happiness they feel. They will continue to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ to others. Like the waters from a spring, they will continually bring blessings to others. Are we putting into work the love of Jesus Christ, which we have tasted?
Birth : 1814
Death : 10.01.1874
City : Tirunelveli
Country : India
Vision : Nagercoil, India
Neelakanda Subbaiyar Devadasan was a Tamil Bramin who used to work in a Christian mission school near Nagercoil. As a teacher, he was required to attend weekly gatherings in the school.
As soon as the meetings were over, he used to take a bath to cleanse and absolve himself from the so-called pollution and would enter into his home with his wet dress as a cleansed man
Ministry in India
Such was his affiliation with his religion. But the missionaries and their words affected his heart. He was touched but the love of God and accepted Christ as his savior.
Now, being pressed by the love of Christ, he wandered around and preached about Jesus Christ to others. He lived with the poor people, had their food, and proclaimed Jesus throughout his life. He ran behind every person or bullock cart entering his village to preach the gospel.
He shared the word of God with those women who come to fetch water from the well. His shirt's front and back always read, "Believe Jesus", which attracted many people to listen to the gospel.
He served as the pastor of a church at Nagercoil. Through his just and righteous life, the people of Tirunelveli were blessed spiritually. His life remains a great testimony to the words of Jesus. Neelakanda Subbaiyar Devadasan biography
Beloved, what efforts are you taking to help others believe in Christ?
Take away from the article
" Lord, I will trust You and try my best to help others also to trust You, Amen!"
Word of Prayer
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