Robert Moffat biography, was a Scottish missionary to Africa and the father-in-law of missionary-explorer David Livingstone. He was born in Scotland and from childhood, he was under strong Christian influence. For employment, Robert moved to England and worked as a gardener. There he was led to the experience of salvation through his Methodist friends. Robert had always been interested in missions and one day he saw a placard ‘‘The London Missionary Society’ which aroused his interest in the service of God. There he met Rev. W. Roby who received him and nurtured him for future ministry.
Birth: 21-12-1795
Home Calling: 09-08-1883
Native Place: Ormiston
Country: Scotland
Place of Vision: South Africa
The London Missionary Society sent Robert to South Africa in 1817. Moffat’s first mission was to work in Namaqualand which was under the control of an outlaw named Afrikaner. He was a notorious bandit who terrorized the missionaries and destroyed mission stations in the past.
Robert braved the difficult journey and reached the village only to find a very hostile reception. There he patiently endured the trials and preached the gospel to the people. Gradually, to Moffat's joy, the Afrikaner became an enlightened Christian and later proved a great help to him on his missionary campaigns.
Robert Moffat ministry in South Africa
In 1819, Robert married Mary Smith who was an able partner in his ministry. Together they moved to Kuruman and settled among the Batswana people. Here they worked passionately enduring hardships, insults, and threats. Often, they slept hungry for days and sometimes bound their stomachs to endure the starvation.
Amidst all this, Robert developed a style for the Tswana language and published the New Testament in 1840, and the whole Bible in 1857. He boldly preached the gospel to the dangerous tribes of the Bechuanas and the Mantatees. In 1870 Robert and his wife were compelled by failing health to bid farewell to their beloved Kuruman and returned to England. There he continued to preach and encouraged people in Christ and for Missions.
Beloved, do you have Christly concern for the outlaws and the criminals?
Take away from the article
“Lord, give me the courage to share Your love with the criminals and the prisoners. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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