Rosa Lee Oxer biography, "….. whoever is kind to the needy honors God." (Proverbs 14:31) Not letting any inconvenience hinder her path, Rosa Lee Oxer met the needs of people and honored God right from her college days. Being actively involved in Student Volunteer work, she strived to form the "Student Volunteer Alliance" among the volunteers of four medical colleges in Cleveland.
Birth : -
Home calling : 1918
Native Place : Ohio
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision : India
She proved to be a wise leader and a talented Christian woman. While at Hiram College, she became interested in mission work in India.
Once she received the call to provide medical care to eighty orphans in Mahoba. The missionaries in Mahoba were over-burdened and needed a helping hand. Oxer, along with her college friend Miss Frost immediately committed themselves to this ministry.
Rosa Lee Oxer ministry in India
They sailed for India in November 1896. On her arrival, the missionaries found her to be a tower of strength to the work in Mahoba. Dr. Oxer was an excellent physician and an intelligent, painstaking, sympathetic, and thoroughly conscientious worker. The orphanage children loved her, as did the missionaries. During her short stay in Mahoba, she accomplished some marvelous cures, which established confidence in the Mahoba Mission.
On her return from her first furlough, Dr. Oxer spent four months in Rath as an in-charge of women's work, then was transferred to Jhansi, and in 1907, to the women's home in Kulpahar. There she served until succeeded by another missionary in 1910.
Making utmost use of her gift to serve others as good stewards of God's varied grace (I Peter 4:10), Dr. Oxer rendered invaluable service to India till 1910. She returned to her country in 1916 and worked among churches, giving talks on India. She went to be with the Lord in the year 1918.
Beloved, are you honoring God by being kind to the needy?
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Lord, help me to use my talents to serve others and be a good steward. Amen!
Word of Prayer
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