St John Berchmans

John Berchmans

John Berchmans, John Berchmans was born into a religious family in Diest, Belgium. Even as a child, his greatest desire was to become a priest, which inspired him to live a religious life. As a habit, he used to leave his bed before daybreak to assist the priests in conducting masses and then went to his school. Due to his family’s financial difficulties, he used to work as a servant boy and earned to pay for his school.

Birth : 13-03-1599
Home calling : 13-08-1621
Native Place : Diest
Country : Belgium
Place of Vision : -

However, he found an opportunity to undertake religious studies when the Jesuits opened a college at Malines, Belgium, in 1615. After his studies, he joined the ‘Society of Jesus’ in 1616 against his father’s wishes, who wanted John to work and support his family.

When his father told him, he would not give him a penny anymore, John said, “See, father, if the very clothes I have on kept me back, I would strip them off, and follow Christ…”

John Berchmans Biography

After his ordination in 1618, he embraced religious life and went to Antwerp and Rome to study philosophy. There he continued to devout most of his time to the ministry in the church. He was willing to do any ordinary or menial work in the church, which others avoided and used to say, “Not so much the doing of great things, as doing well what one is told to do.”

He was affable, kind, humble, and endowed with an outgoing personality that endeared him to others. Being a bright student, he was selected by the Roman College to defend the course of Philosophy in a public disputation. He was also asked to represent the Roman College at another disputation at the Greek College.

His preparation for these disputations took a toll on his health. He grew sick day by day and was struck by ‘Roman Fever’, which affected his lungs. He spent his last night in prayer and died at the very young age of 22. His life shows how one can serve God by doing ordinary things with love.

Beloved, are you faithful in ordinary things for God?

Take away from the article

“Lord, enable me to do ordinary things for You with great love. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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