Eugen Liebendorfer biography, was a German missionary associated with Basel Missions in India. He is known to have brought a real breakthrough for medical missions in the Indian mission field.
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Eugen Liebendorfer biography, was a German missionary associated with Basel Missions in India. He is known to have brought a real breakthrough for medical missions in the Indian mission field.
Read moreNikolaus von Zinzendorf biography, was an 18th century German religious and social reformer. Born in a noble family, he showed an early inclination towards theology and religious work. Though he
Read moreIngrid Kowski, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ
Read moreKarl Friedrich August Gützlaff, Charles Darwin, who introduced the "Theory of Evolution", once went to an island in the south sea. When he saw the native people who were barbarians
Read moreMartin Luther, Today is one of the remarkable days in History. It was on this day that Martin Luther, a German professor of theology, priest, and a great reformer, nailed
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