Thomas Jones biography, was a missionary from England who is remembered for his pioneer ministry among Khasi tribes in Assam and Meghalaya in India. Since childhood, Jones began assisting his father in carpentry to support the family. The financial conditions didn’t allow him to pursue formal education. But he was very active in the church and began preaching at the age of 25.
Birth: 24-12-1810
Home Calling: 16-09-1849
Native Place: Berriew
Country: United Kingdom
Place of Vision: North East India
He offered himself to the London Missionary Society (LMS) for missionary work who refused to send him citing his poor health conditions. But Jones who was sure of God’s calling established Calvinistic-Methodists’ Foreign Missionary Society (CMFMS) in 1840.
As he was prayerfully contemplating on going to different places, God opened the doors for the ministry in North East India.
Along with his wife Anne, Jones arrived at Calcutta in April 1841. From there he set out to reach the people in Khasi Hills. With no friends to help, the couple trekked most of the journey and arrived at Cheerapunji that was at 4000 feet elevation.
It took some time for Jones to establish relations with the natives. He used his carpentry and agriculture skills to reach out to them with Gospel.
Thomas Jones ministry in India
Jones learned the local language and gave written form to it. He translated Matthew Gospel into the Khasi language and also published a Khasi Dictionary. He untiringly traveled preaching Gospel all throughout the Khasi-Jaiñtia hills and established many mission stations. Jones spearheaded a social, spiritual, literary, and economic renaissance in Assam and Meghalaya.
Jones did all this ministry overcoming several testing times. He lost his child and his wife within four years of arrival in India. The tropical climate and his untiring Gospel ventures took a toll on his body too. He succumbed to Malaria and went to be with the Lord at the young age of 39.
God honoured his servant. The people of Meghalaya celebrate his day of arrival (June 22) as “Rev. Thomas Jones Day” and Government declared it as a state holiday. Such was his impact!
Beloved, are you disappointed in your ministry because of people’s disapproval? God will open other doors for you!
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“Lord, help me to seek Your approval and not men’s. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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