William Booth biography, was an English Methodist preacher who later became the founder of "The Salvation Army." After losing his father at the age of 14, he worked as a pawnbroker's assistant for seven years to support his family. He accepted Christ as his personal savior when he was fifteen and committed his life for the service of God.
Birth: 10-04-1829
Death: 20-08-1912
Native Place: Nottinghamshire
Country: England
Place of Vision: England
Later he was ordained as a Methodist Minister at the age of 21 and began open-air evangelizing in London's streets. That's where he encountered the heart-wrenching scenes of poverty that changed his later course of ministry.
Following the example of Jesus, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do to me also," Booth believed that the basic expression of Christian faith is taking care of one another – feeding, nursing, sheltering, and sustaining fellow human beings created in the image of God.
William Booth Ministry in England
Driven by this belief, he abandoned the concept of preaching on a pulpit and walked the streets of London to take the Gospel to the homeless, hungry, and the destitute. He founded the "East London Christian Mission," along with his wife Catherine, to provide practical as well as spiritual support to the needy. They wanted to take the church to the people rather than waiting for them to come to the church, especially the poor.
The mission grew and was later renamed "The Salvation Army," with William as General and his fellow ministers a part of God's Army. Thieves, prostitutes, gamblers, and drunkards were among their first converts to Christianity who, in turn, were also preaching on the streets as living testimonies to the power of God.
William Booth, who was also known as "The prophet of the poor" was a remarkable servant of God and remained faithful to his call till his last breath.
Beloved, are you expressing your Christian faith in taking care of others?
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“Lord, help me to put my Christian faith into practice. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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William Booth Biography
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