William Hunter

William Hunter

William Hunter, The word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword… and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). It is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness… (2 Timothy 3:16).

Birth: 1536
Death: 27-03-1555
Native Place: Brentwood
Country: England
Place of Vision: -

Such powerful word of God was once 'with the God in the beginning,' and the Bible says the 'Word was God.' Many men of God valiantly defied the odds and authorities that tried to falsify the Biblical truth. One among them was William Hunter.

Born into an orthodox religious family, William Hunter was taught by his mother to revere the Bible. Even from his childhood, he found pleasure in meditating the Word of God.

William Hunter - A Martyr of Christ

He gradually came to understand the truth of the scriptures and recognized the prevalent false doctrine in the then catholic church. When he rejected the false teachings, he was threatened and thrown out of his job.

During those days, the Bible could be read-only by priests. One day when William went to the chapel, he found a Bible lying on a desk and started reading it. Enraged on seeing a commoner reading the Bible, the priest rebuked him and challenged him to understand the Bible on his own.

When William politely answered that it is God's book through which God speaks to his people, it angered the priest even more. An argument on the true and false doctrines ensued between the priest and the nineteen-year-old William. Finally, the priest blamed William for heresy and reported him to the authorities.

On being arrested and questioned, William refused to recant his beliefs. He was imprisoned for nine months and was cruelly tortured, yet he did not waver in his faith. Finally, he was ordered to be burned at stake. He bravely approached the stake, lifted his hands to the heavens and said, "Lord, Lord, Lord, receive my spirit," and yielded up his life for the truth.

Beloved, is the Word of God more precious to you than your life?

Take away from the article

“Lord, teach me to abide in You and Your Word to lead a victorious life. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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