Billy Bray biography

Billy Bray biography, William Trewartha Bray, also known as Billy Bray, was a Methodist preacher known for his unconventional preaching method. Billy lived with his grandfather and worked in the local mines to support himself since childhood. There he lived a life of drunkenness, fighting, theft, blasphemy, and sometimes narrowly escaped imprisonment and death.

Birth: 01-06-1794
Home Calling: 25-05-1868
Native Place: Cornwall
Country : England
Place of Vision: England

But deep inside him, he was not at peace with his conscience and often had terrifying dreams of death and hell. Once when somebody gave him a copy of John Bunyan’s “Visions of Heaven and Hell” to read, his life changed.

He spent days and nights accepting sins and making peace with God until he found the joy of a ‘new man’ within him. Immediately, Billy, with a burning zeal, began witnessing to all the people he met, starting with his family.

Billy Bray ministry in England

He joined a group called the ‘Bible Christians’ and started ministering in and around Cornwall. His eccentric method of preaching attracted crowds from all sections of the society and many were converted. Although he had no education, he preached with sheer wit and happiness, sometimes singing, shouting, and dancing.

The fruits of his ministry were evident in the considerable number of believers joining the church. Soon he built chapels at Cornwall, Kerley Downs, and Carharrack. Billy expressed his joy and devotion to the Lord through his love and service for others. Despite his poverty, he found joy in sharing whatever he had with other poor people.

He was a man who wouldn’t stay doing anything when he knew somebody was in need. Once, he found two abandoned children on the street and brought them home. He raised them along with his own children despite his meager earnings. With his sanctified wit, simplicity, fervid faith, and many self-denying labors, Billy earned many souls for Christ until the end. He slept peacefully at a ripe old age of seventy-three years, and the last word on his lips was ‘Glory.’ Billy Bray

Beloved, have you found the joy of sharing with others?

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“Lord, help me express my devotion to You through love and service for others. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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